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Communication Skills That Will Make You a Better Leader

Communication Skills That Will Make You a Better Leader

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” —Lao Tzu “Kindness in words creates confidence” was such an important part of Coach Wooden’s communication style, which was effective in helping his...
How to Be a Successful Leader: Be a Philosopher

How to Be a Successful Leader: Be a Philosopher

Coach Wooden introduced his coaching philosophy in his book Practical Modern Basketball by talking about the necessity for a successful coach to be a philosopher: Webster tells us that, among other things, a philosopher is a person who meets all events, whether...
Why Attention to Detail Is Important in Leadership

Why Attention to Detail Is Important in Leadership

It is the little details that make things work. This was one of Coach Wooden’s favorite ideas and a theme that is consistent with successful performers across many different industries, from sports to art to business. As Coach liked to say, “Develop a love of details....
Why Pride Is a Better Motivator Than Fear

Why Pride Is a Better Motivator Than Fear

Pride is a better motivator than fear. In his book Wooden with Steve Jamison, Coach expanded on this idea: Pride is a better motivator than fear. I never wanted to teach through fear, punishment or intimidation. Fear may work in the short term to get people to do...
Effective Leadership Starts With Effective Listening

Effective Leadership Starts With Effective Listening

You must listen to others if you want others to listen to you. This idea reflects the way that Coach Wooden chose to interact with other people. He was an extraordinary listener, in part because he knew each time he listened he would learn something. A wise old owl...