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The ‘Working With You, Not for You’ Principle

The ‘Working With You, Not for You’ Principle

At the very first John R. Wooden Course, a young man posed this question: “Coach Wooden, next week I will be starting my first job as a manager. What advice can you give me?” Coach Wooden replied, “Make sure the people in your department know that they’re working with...
The Importance of Listening in Leadership

The Importance of Listening in Leadership

A key element in the art of listening is to not be thinking about what you’re going to say while the other person is talking. Quieting your thoughts and really hearing the other person with an open mind sometimes requires a conscious effort. In How to Be like Coach...
The Qualities of a Humble Leader

The Qualities of a Humble Leader

Coach Wooden’s favorite ideas regarding leadership came from Wilford Peterson’s essay on “The Art of Leadership” from his book The Art of Living. The essay states in part: The leader is a servant. Related: Why Successful Leaders Need to Learn Humility Coach Wooden’s...